Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Year's Reading!

Hello to those of you who do read and care to read my book reviews who don't follow me on Goodreads. I'm just checking in because I always feel a little bad when I haven't written anything in a while on my blogs. I haven't been reading as much (I got really engrossed in a video game, and then the holidays happened) but I've been plugging away at Koushun Takami's Battle Royale and I'm just under halfway through (it's a hefty 600+ pages). I probably will review it because of all the "Suzanne Collins stole Hunger Games from Battle Royale" nonsense I read all the time (and having seen the movie first, I thought to myself um, hell no she didn't and I still hold to that as I read the book. But more on that as I do the actual review.

My family have always been readers, but we usually don't buy books for each other because we have the tendency to just go out and buy them (I'm looking at you Mom) unless they are specifically mentioned. We tend to go with the much simpler gift card to a book store. This year Mom bought me Stieg Larsson's Millenium Trilogy (not that particular set, but I didn't want to link each book individually) which I explain to people as "the, you know, dragon tattoo and whatnot books." I had planned on getting them but kept putting them back at the book store. I wasn't emotionally ready to buy them, and now I don't have to.

I have a nice stack of books to read for the new year, and hopefully I can make my goal of 50 books on Goodreads in 2013. I came close this year with 44. Not shabby for having started in May.

Upcoming books to read (which may or may not be reviewed):

  • The Host by Stephenie Meyer, because the movie is coming out and I need to see if it is as mockable as Twilight
  • Iced by Karen Marie Moning, which I picked up simply because I saw Susan Ee was reading it on Goodreads and thought I'd give it a shot
  • Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey, because I've always been curious about these books
  • I am Legend by Richard Matheson, because I heard it was way better than the movie, even though I am so over zombies
I also need to start the third book in the Song of Ice and Fire series and I've been thinking about digging into one of my boxes and re-reading some of my Dragonlance books.  I may do a series of books that were adapted to film, because having looked at what's coming out this year and next, there's a ton. At the very least, I'll add a tag or something. Anyway, if you have been enjoying this blog, and you're not on my Facebook list, subscribe so you don't miss a review. I noticed that most of my reviews have been skewed toward the romance genre, so I'm going to fix that. I read (as you can see) a lot more than that.

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