Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Midnight Sun (Twilight 1.5) Stephenie Meyer

What Twilight fans clamored for, Midnight Sun is essentially Twilight from Edward's perspective, and it's a hell of a lot more honest. Apparently, though the Kindle edition I downloaded from Goodreads was only a partial draft, and not the full book, although I thought it was an appropriate length and what the parallel novel should have been. That being said, it did read like a draft, with awkward jumps in time, glaring errors, and awkward punctuation.

I can't decide if Meyer wrote this to show her young female audience that Edward Cullen really isn't the ideal man or if she really had no idea that she had such a detestable, arrogant snot of a character. This was really her chance to give him some depth but instead she reinforces everything that every woman with a sane mind and feminist bone in her body found when reading the books, and he even admits, as early as page 59, that he is "An obsessed, vampire stalker." Do you hear that, girls? This is not good boyfriend material! In fact, he constantly ruminates over his obsession as he blithely shuffles through the minds of other people to stalk and gather information on Bella.

I'm giving this 3 stars because of its honesty. Yes, at some point Edward starts to moo about his love for Bella and all that, yadda yadda, but at least we're not reading Bella's boring as shit inner monologue about being ordinary, bored, hating rain, etc for almost 550 pages!

Rated 3 stars on Goodreads

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